Friday, February 20, 2009

Končale plakat. Ljuuuubimo Odvratne rime. Ljubimooooooooo Dahla v vseh oblikah.
I am not, of course, telling you for one second that your teacher actually is a witch. All I am saying is that she might be one. It is most unlikely. But--here comes the big "but"--not impossible." — (the Witches)

... While darling little Cinderella
Was locked up in a slimy cellar,
Where rats who wanted things to eat,
Began to nibble at her feet. (Revolting rhymes)She bellowed 'Help!'
and 'Let me out!
The Magic Fairy heard her shout.
Appearing in a blaze of light,
She said: 'My dear, are you all right?' (Cinderella -Rr)
"Poor Cindy's heart was torn to shreds.
My Prince! She thought. He chops off heads!
How could I marry anyone Who does that sort of thing for fun?
The Prince cried, "Who's this dirty slut?
Off with her nut! Off with her nut!" — Roald Dahl (Revolting rhymes)

She beat her fist against the wall,
And shouted, 'Get me to the Ball!'
There is a Disco at the Palace!'
The rest have gone and 1 am jalous!'
I want a dress! I want a coach!'
And earrings and a diamond brooch!'
And silver slippers, two of those!'
And lovely nylon panty hose!'
Done up like that I'll guarantee'
The handsome Prince will fall for me!'
The Fairy said, 'Hang on a tick.'
She gave her wand a mighty flick
And quickly, in no time at all,
Cindy was at the Palace Ball! (Rr)

"Mr. Twit was a twit. He was born a twit. And, now at the age of sixty, he was a bigger twit than ever."

The small girl smiles. One eyelid flickers.
She whips a pistol from her knickers.
She aims it at the creature's head,
And bang bang bang, she shoots him dead.

A few weeks later, in the wood,
I came across Miss Riding Hood.
But what a change! No cloak of red,
No silly hood upon her head.
She said, "Hello, and do please note
My lovely furry WOLFSKIN COAT." (Roald Dahl)

Their house was filled with smiles and laughter And they were happy ever after.
VSE Roald Dahl


Maja said...

Superca plakat! Mislim, da bo tudi your house filled with smiles and laughterand you'll be happy ever after. Sploh k mate take fajn maškare!! Sicer si zelo lepo izvezla napis Pika nogavička, ampak mislim, da je podoba tako enkratna, da ne rabi podnapisov!

AllyRose said...

Preden grem med maškare, sem še na tvoj blog pokukala in uaau, ful dobre maškare! Pa Ficko spodaj je tud' dober.

Maja said...

Neizmerno sem uživala nad rimami :) Bom morala še kaj od Dahla poiskati!

PolonaP said...

Maja, JAZ tud mislim, da Pika ne rabi podnapisov, moj hči bi pa najraje hodila v maškare z uradnim oznanjevalcem:" PRIHAJA NAJMOČNEJŠA DEKLICA NA SVETU: PIKA NOGAVIČKA, MARJETICA,HČI KAPITANA EVRAZIJA NOGAVICEEEE....UMAKNITE SE IN POKAŽITE SPOŠTOVANJEEEE..."

porednica said...

Ej Polini, piši mi na mojo pošto. En velik pozdrav od zelve (zamenjala, lažje). :-)))))

porednica said...

Polini je mišljeno Poloni. =bi ga je komplcirano za upokojence.

PolonaP said...


ti ljubka stvarca, bi ti z veseljem pisala in si izborila svoj recept za Vegeto, ampak kljub temu,da sem sigurna da gre za ZELO preprost trik, ne znam njati tvojega E-maila.

(če si pa V RESNICI moja mama, mi ga daš lahko pa jutri na kosilu)

Tvoj IT genious.

McCrafty /Klavdija said...

u kakšen super plakat ste naredili ! nam je vsaj malo pusta prinesel v hišo, ker smo še kar bolani in ne moremo nikamor...

VIXI said...

Revolting rhymes! Najbolše rime EVER! In nedelja je postala smešna, ta trenutek :)

Najbolj dolga nogavička je vaša punčka. Več kot mojstrsko sešit kostum.